
TEL:029-88643194 FAX:029-88611928



  ◆ 主要用于检定微差压变送器和微差压表(可配带压力表托盘)
  ◆ 控制速度快,压力到达设定点小于15秒
  ◆ 控制压力稳定度高,*高可以控制到±0.1Pa
  ◆ 带活塞行程显示功能,满行程报警提示
  ◆ 发生压力快速、稳定、无超调,符合相关压力仪表检定规程
  ◆ 手动、自动、手动阶跃、自动阶跃、开关测量、计算机控制
  ◆ 具有自动控制与手动微调相结合的功能,利于精密压力表的检定
  ◆ 计算机自动进行数据采集、计算、保存、生成检定结果并打印证书及报告
  ◆ 主机、模块可拆卸,方便送检
  温 度:0~50℃
  ◆ 造压范围:(-16~16)kPa
  ◆ 工作介质:空气
  ◆ 压力控制波动度 <0.005%F.S(±10kPa时,为±1Pa) 准 确 度:0.05%F.S
  ◆ 检定点自动稳压时间:任意设定;(*小5秒)
  ◆ 传压介质 无腐蚀性、无污染的气体
  ◆ 电流测量:(0~25)mA 准确度:0.02%R.D+0.005%F.S
  ◆ 电压测量:(0~25)V 准确度:0.02%R.D+0.005%F.S
  ◆ 开关测量如果开关带电,巡检电压3V~12V
  ◆ 直流输出: DC24V 24V±0.5V,带载能力50mA
  ◆ 通讯接口: RS232 (跟计算机连接)
  ◆ 外形尺寸: 420mm×280mm×230mm
  ◆ 重 量: 10kg

GE Sensing Features ? Sources and reads mA, mV, V, ohms, frequency and pulses ? Convenient one-handed operation ? Plug/play connector for IDOS Universal Pressure Modules ? Simulates and reads 8 RTDs and 12 thermocouples ? 32 pressure modules from 10 in H 0 to 10,000 psi (25 mbar to 700 bar) Applications 2 ? Simultaneous dual reading capability ? Automatic switch test and pressure leak test ? 1000 point data storage with real time clock ? 24 V loop power supply ? Test and maintenance ? Transmitter calibration ? Loop set-up and diagnostics ? Switch, trip and alarm verification ? HART ? loop resistor The DPI 800 Series is a complete range of advanced, robust and simple to use hand-held instruments. Highly cost effective, these tools are ideal for test/calibration of many popular process parameters. Advanced features and technical innovations address more applications in less time and deliver results you can rely on. ? Large backlit display ? Robust and weatherproof ? Compact, simple to use, easy to carry DPI 880 Druck Multi-function Calibrator DPI 880 is a Druck product. Druck has joined other GE high-technology sensing businesses under a new name_ GE Industrial, Sensing. g IDOS GE Sensing DPI 880 Specifications Unique thermocouple cold junction compensation Virtually eliminates errors caused by changing environmental conditions on test instruments used outside. 4.5°F (2.5°C) C/J error due to 54°F (30°C) transient change DPI 880 Leading competitor The DPI 880 Multi-function Calibrator is an ultra compact and simple to use tool for testing, configuring and calibrating virtually all process parameters. It measures, sources and simulates mA, mV, V, RTDs, thermocouples, ohms, frequency, pulses and pressure, captures switch values and provides 24 V loop power. 32°F (0°C) 0 5 10 15 tmins Simultaneous dual readings Automatic detection of 2, 3 and 4 wire RTDs Quickly detect damaged sensors and faulty wiring that could otherwise be missed or cause s




druck DPI61德鲁克

  全新的Fluke 730G智能数字压力校验仪,以其出众的操作体验,大大优化工程师的现场校验过程,实现高效、精确的压力校验。

了解更多关于:40mpa压力表检定记录,压力表校准步骤,0.1mpa压力表检定证书,一_压力表强制检定范围&,压力传器与温度传感器需要第三方检定,压力试验机是强制检定吗,计量压力表检定员,温度压力校验仪标定,压力表的校验要求主要有哪些,hb8600 压力校验仪,压力表至少( )年校验一次,压力表的检定规定主要内容是,真空压力表检定规程,压力表检定员培训内容,注塑机上压力计如何计量检定,弹簧式机械压力表检定规程,数字压力计检定结果计算,怎样校验隔膜压力表,压力表校准证书编号,压力表校验至少稳定几个点
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